America Explained

Exploring America’s history and how it impacts today’s society – from the Founding Mothers to what marijuana tells us about States’ rights

Who Was Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin wasn’t just a founder of the United States, he was also a writer, inventor, scientist, statesman, and a huge celebrity in the thirteen colonies.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

The top ranking officer of the US federal judiciary, the Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. But how did the role come into being and what are his or her roles and responsibilities?

The Presidential Veto

One of the most powerful tools the President of the United States has is the veto – but what is it and how has it evolved over time?

The Attorney General

The top legal officer in the country, the Attorney General advises the US government on legal matters, including the President. But how did the role come about and what are his or her responsibilities?

The Burning of the White House

When British troops set the White House alight during the War of 1812, White House staff rallied to save its contents, including a priceless work of art that survives to this day.

Gerald Ford: The Unelected President

Gerald Ford holds a unique place in the history of U.S. politics – as the only American to hold the office of Vice President and President without ever winning a national election. Who was he, and what was his presidency like?

Henrietta Lacks’ Revolutionary HeLa Cells

The astonishing story of Henrietta Lacks’ immortal cells, taken without consent, revolutionized medical research but also exposed ethical dilemmas, leading to crucial changes in consent laws to protect patients’ rights in the scientific community.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff

When the going gets tough, the president calls on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an advisory council to help make important military decisions.

The FBI Explained

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a fact-finding, crime-fighting national security machine. But how did it come about – and what do FBI agents actually do?

Amending the Constitution

The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times in its history, but what did they change, and how?