In 1921, John Augustus Larson, a medical student and police officer in Berkeley, California invented a machine to help detectives determine if someone was telling the truth – or lying. He called it – the...
Thanks to modern technology, you don’t even have to get out of bed to find out what’s going on in the world, but in the early days of America, news travelled slow. This is the story of the Harvard Printing Press that changed...
In 1967, Gregory Pincus and John Rock invented the Pill: a revolutionary oral contraceptive, that finally freed American women to explore their sexuality without fear of falling pregnant. However, to be honest, not everyone thought contraception was a good idea. In...
Whatever your opinion is of astrology: people have been looking to the night skies for signs since… well, forever! This is the story of the Skidi Star Chart, one of the finest horoscopes ever created, all thanks to the Pawnee Tribe of Native...
Did you know? The amazing technology behind Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS was the brainchild of Hollywood actor turned visionary inventor Hedy Lamarr – the Mother of...