Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures shines a light on influential Americans who’s stories don’t usually make it into the textbooks – from the “Robin Hood of Harlem” to the greatest athlete of the 20th century.

Abdul Rahman Ibrahima Sori: A Prince Enslaved

Abdul Rahman Ibrahima Sori, a Fula prince and former slave, was determined to free his family. His extraordinary story and character caught America’s attention at a complicated time in American history.

Josephine Baker: Actor, Singer, Spy

Actor and singer Josephine Baker spent her life resisting racial discrimination at home and abroad. During World War II, she bravely used her fame to fight back against the Nazis.

Yarrow Mamout: From Slavery to Financier

African Muslim Yarrow Mamout rose from a life of slavery to become a popular businessman in Washington, D.C. Artist Charles Willson Peale painted his portrait and discovered his incredible story.