What exactly is a State? And why do we have different state laws and federal laws?
America Explained
Exploring America’s history and how it impacts today’s society – from the Founding Mothers to what marijuana tells us about States’ rights
How Does the Electoral College Work?
Imagine if the United States Presidential Election was a talent show, only the public doesn’t vote for them. That – to be honest – is how the Electoral College works.
Who Has the Right to Vote?
Did you know, people in Puerto Rico pay U.S. taxes but can’t vote for our President?
Are You Being Spied On?
Did you know that there are 17 different intelligence agencies operating in the US today?
Is Now the Time to Talk About Guns?
The Second Amendment, the NRA and the students vying to change the American right to bear arms.
Why Guns Are Big News
Harvard University lecturer and author Caroline Light explains why the gun control debate in America is louder than ever before.
Drafted: The Selective Service System Explained
What is the Selective Service System (aka the draft), where does it come from and how compulsory is it really?
GI Jane: What I Love About Serving in the Army
Selective Service may only apply to young men but more women than ever are entering the US military.
Is American Doing Enough to Go Green?
So how is America is doing in the fight against global warming? Not great.
Could Veganism Save the World?
In 2019, 2% of Americans classed themselves as vegan, It’s a number that’s growing all the time. So what’s the appeal?