A weapon of covert action wielded by governments around the world, black propaganda straddles the fine line between fact and fiction, letting its secret sources instigate chaos with...
In re Gault was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that ensured juveniles accused of a crime would receive the same Fourteenth Amendment rights as adults. It all stemmed from a teenager making a prank...
For over a hundred years, the U.S. government used education as a tool to assimilate Native American children into American society – by systematically erasing their history, culture, and...
Enslaved at birth, James Lafayette became one of the most important Patriot spies of the American Revolution, helping to gather vital information on the British Army. His work helped the United States secure...
One of the worst miscarriages of justice in U.S. history, the Haymarket Affair, a labor action in support of an eight-hour working day, led to the unlawful executions of four Chicago...