The story of Barbara Johns and her fellow students fight for school integration resulting in the successful case – Brown v. Board of Education.
America Explained
Exploring America’s history and how it impacts today’s society – from the Founding Mothers to what marijuana tells us about States’ rights
Lincoln v. Davis: A Tale of Two Leaders
Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis led Americans in the American Civil War: Both men were born in Kentucky where our story takes place. But what happened to them both once the war ended?
Why the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t include Kentucky
The Emancipation Proclamation granted freedom to enslaved people living in the eleven breakaway states of the Confederacy – but that didn’t include Kentucky.
Bloody Harlan – Harlan County Coal Wars
Harlan County coal miners in the 1930s went on a labour strike protesting about the conditions Coal companies and the local police forces put them under.
Battle of Middle Creek – Battle of Loyalties
The Battle of Middle Creek took place in Floyd County on January 10, 1862, but why was it so important to the legacy of the American Civil War and the history of the USA?
Victoria Woodhull: The First Woman to Run for President
Did you know that a woman – Victoria Woodhull – ran for President before most American women were even allowed to vote?
Bluegrass Music: An Ode to America
Kentucky’s Appalachian Mountains were the birthplace of Bluegrass Music and Bill Monroe who became the Godfather of the Bluegrass.
The Country Music Highway of Kentucky
The story of Route 23, the Country Music Highway, that stretches across Eastern Kentucky, and home to some of America’s greatest Country Music stars.
Women of the American Revolution
Did you know that during the American Revolutionary War some American women disguised themselves as men in order to join the fight?
Ulysses S Grant: Profile of a Leader
President Ulysses S Grant was a Civil War hero who helped bring about an end to slavery, but he was a controversial figure too – and here’s why.